The reply I wrote and didn't leave

I started to reply to some post on Reddit then thought better of it because I'm White and I have been told I shouldn't mention that I'm part Native according to oral family tradition and etc. This is what I wrote:

It's the internet, not a face-to-face conversation. Downvote and do not reply, consider reporting if it breaks some rule. 

I feel that Native people are "too conversational" and respectful. These people aren't respecting you and your space and your time and energy.

A lot of white people are really awful about feeling entitled and your cultural practices of trying to take them seriously etc gets interpreted as kowtowing to them.

Trolls crave attention and don't care if it's negative attention. Giving them any attention fuels their bad behavior. 

I am all for referring people to r/askanative whether anyone actually starts such a sub or not. "This is not the purpose of this sub. Try someplace else."

And don't apologize. 

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