An analogy, I think. Maybe.

I've just reread my last two posts on this site which were posted a few months back: And I came up with an analogy for why SOME White men are so screwed up. I think it's kind of like how seeing-eye dogs get trained.

There was a blind woman who appeared on Sixty Minutes a lot of years ago and talked about her life and her seeing-eye dog. In the course of the interview, they gave the dog's name.

In a follow-up interview, she had a NEW dog and declined to give the dog's name because with having appeared on the show, she was "famous" and everyone knew the dog's name and etc, so they would call out to her and call out to the dog and want to pet the dog. All this affectionate attention made the dog useless as a seeing-eye dog because it was being treated like a pet.

Seeing-eye dogs ONLY get petted and such for DOING THEIR JOB. If you give them affection like a PET dog, they stop being useful as working animals.

And I think White culture does something akin to that to MEN and for SOME MEN for SOME REASON it goes really bad places such that being nice to them for FIVE MINUTES just goes really, really weird places.

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