
Showing posts from July, 2024

A Pearl Necklace

There is a book called "My Mother, Myself." From what I gather, it is about a woman coming to terms with who she is by trying to separate out her psychological identity from her mother. That's apparently a common phenomenon, thus the book, but I never went through that. I had to separate my identity from my older sister. At the age of 59, I have finally concluded that most likely my mother didn't want me to be "like mother, like daughter" and intentionally set out to make sure I would not be "my mother's daughter." My mother is an excellent cook and my sister took over all the holiday baking when she was twelve. I know a lot about cooking because I played assistant to my sister, but my mother declined to teach me to cook or clean. She always had some excuse. "It's faster if I do it myself." or "Your sister knows how. I don't have time to show you." My mother is an excellent seamstress, knits and crochets. I had an au