
Showing posts from June, 2024

A Couple of My Childhood Friends

In recent weeks, my adult sons have been regaling me with tales from our lives ten or twenty years ago. I frequently have no recollection of the stories they tell or maybe only a small part of it sounds familiar.  So my memory is not what it used to be. I've lived a very private life. I was a homemaker and full-time mom for a lot of years and then I got divorced. Trying to learn to interact with "the public" post divorce was a very painful process. I'm less naive than I once was but lack of naivety doesn't magically make certain problems go away. I trend towards expecting people to believe me because I'm telling the truth, but I lack a public reputation and a lot of things about my life fall outside some socially acceptable Overton Window and people on the internet trend towards thinking you're a liar rather than thinking fact is stranger than fiction and maybe you're a statistical edge case or something.  I'm 59 and starting to feel like time is r


I am "subscribed" to probably a few Native reddits. I generally only read and don't comment and don't do much of that either, if only to reduce the odds I will comment. I did leave a comment a few hours ago on one of them. No doubt due to lack of oxygen going to my brain since I was bitten by a poisonous spider something like 2.5 weeks ago and have been suffering the effects of hemotoxin and neurotoxin both. Most spiders only have hemotoxin. This was probably a black widow, which uncharacteristically has both. I was in the ER a few days ago and they didn't take it seriously that the poisonous spider bite was relevant to my acute health crisis. They chalked it up to heat exhaustion and dehydration and didn't even adequately address that issue.  I spent two weeks eating very little and throwing up most of what I did eat, but that could not possibly be relevant to my dehydrated, stressed state, no. Medical professionals say so and my opinion about my own body be